Gire also discusses the outsider. It is the person that knows rejection and hurt from those that do not show love. He goes through some of the obvious aspects from the bible, but he also expands the idea to include those that are not accepted today. He describes his own battle with ADHD, and the challenges that go with that, even in his life today. Most importantly, he shows how we all have those areas of insecurity in us. We have those places where we don’t want others to see.... Jesus loves us even in those places.
I have found several quotable quotes that I used as Facebook statuses to make some friends think and consider. Each chapter begins with a biblical quote, and a quotation from a notable person. Each chapter ends with discussion questions. The book as a whole also draws heavily on the poem "The Hound of Heaven" written by a man that ran from God, but that God pursued like a hound.
I think this book is an excellent to shift from the modern perspective of the Gospel of us searching for God into realizing that God is pursuing us... every part of us.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group
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