Really? Was it just about a thousand days? How could such a short period in human history have generated such impact and such change to culture? But that is all it was. A thousand days.

He touches on the power of people choosing to follow Jesus with everything in them. He touches on the way life is easy sometimes, but how it is in the storms that we learn to trust in Jesus. He addresses Hypocrisy and the power it has to trap people in blindness. Chapter 13 goes through the prayer of Christ in the Garden, and how he prays for his followers… Very powerful.
His second-last chapter is called “Seven Messages From the Cross” where the author discusses the statements Jesus makes from the cross that show forgiveness beyond what should be possible, incredible love, and caring and ultimate commitment. A very powerful section, to be sure.
It culminates, of course, in what he calls the “Loudest Sermon Ever”, where Falwell outlines what the cross and the resurrection means to us to us as Christians today.
The book also contains a leader’s guide at the end of the book with questions and focused scripture references and would make a good group study for those interested in applying the Bible to their lives.
A complimentary copy of the book has been provided by Booksneeze for my honest review.
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