The book is subtitled “Awakening your five spiritual senses
to the wonders of grace” which sort of sets the tone for the book. It is divided into the five senses as we
understand them now, but then the author puts his spiritual spin on them. It seems to me that the writer’s intent is to
show not just that heaven is our great hope, but that God has given us some
signs of it within our life right now.

One of the other things that each section has is a passage
called Heaven Speaks. There are some verses from scripture that are
the basis for each section, but at the end of each section it is signed from
Jesus. I get what this author is trying
to do, I just try to be really careful when someone is assigning their words to
The book progresses through the other senses using different
stories and illustrations to help awaken your spiritual senses. It is an interesting concept, and in the end
seeing the aspects of heaven here should point the reader towards their hope of
heaven with Christ.
Book has been provided
courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Baker Books, a division of Baker
Publishing Group
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