“Dallas and the Spitfire: An Old Car, an Ex-con, and an
Unlikely friendship” by Ted Kluck and Dallas Jahncke is a book that came to me as
I was looking into a kind of discipleship structure for men. I really got a lot out of this book and
highly recommend it to anyone that is looking to create disciples.

The structure of the book, and the tone are very much a
narrative, and an easy read. It just
goes through the story of where Dallas came from, and where he is headed. It also tells the story of where Pastor Ted
came from, and you can see that these men are total opposite.
Occasionally there are inserted sections written by Dallas
that really shows how much God has done in his life. He goes through some of the trials of being a
young man with no parents, and his road through drugs and crime, and his time
in prison. All through the terrible part
that he lived through had God’s hand on it, and he has had the chance to use
his life to lead others to Jesus.
The thrust of the book is that discipleship should be built
on relationship. If we look to Jesus as
our example he didn’t have a Bible school, or a set curriculum, or anything
like that. He lived how the Father wanted
him to. He built relationships with
people to the point where they would see what he said as true and
The book had some great points, and is definitely worth
reading for men that want to make a difference in the lives of other men that want to
follow Jesus.
Book has been provided
courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from
Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group
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