As a Gen X’er, reading a book by a guy known for his Gen Y style was tough. Since I work with several Gen Y’ers I sort of took a bit to get into this book, but I did get into it. Maybe it is my ADHD brain, but this is the best “captured thought” book I have read. Some people spell out the internal thought process, but in Heroes and Monsters, Josh Riebock really gets the randomness of thought, and how we think and we jump around all over the place, but he does it with and interesting style and with clarity that creates suspense in what will happen next and how all of these events will link together. This book goes through several major events in the life of the author and the way he processes them, endures and comes through to the other side of them.
As we go through the different points and struggles in life, I think most people can identify with the thoughts and the experiences that Josh goes through, from ending up in a corn field with a drunken father, to the struggle of avoiding the temptation to cheat on a spouse given the opportunity, and the loss of a parent and the utter chaos that happens as you process that kind of trauma to the emotions… the absence… the loneliness.
There are several visual elements to the book (by Derek Geer) as well, which I loved! As an artist I loved the insertion of full-page pictures, and the use of visual elements within the text itself to help illustrate a point. Read the book, and you can see what I am talking about.
Because of this book, which was my first exposure to Josh Riebock, I will have to look into some other books by this author too… He’s a very talented, visually expressive writer.
Here is the official trailer for the book:
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
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