I have been given the opportunity to do some reviews on some books from a few different publishers. Some of them do not quite fit into the focus I have for Living Infuzion, but obviously have some good information. Here are some of my perspectives on some pretty good books! Enjoy!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Unstuck by Arnie Cole & Michael Ross
Review by Jason Rivers

This book is like a text book for people that know there is a problem in their walk with God, and they don’t quite know how to fix it.  Do you ever get that feeling, like you were going along well with God and something happens, or doesn’t have, and then you just feel stuck?  It’s like you jumped into a big bowl of honey and no matter what you do you can’t get out.  I know I have been there.  Somehow, by the grace of God, I got going again.

This book goes through some very practical things you can do to try to dislodge yourself from the honey (my analogy, not theirs).  It is written with two voices, and when it is one of the authors or the other they identify themselves so you can hear both of their stories.

As with most text books, sometimes the blatantly obvious is suggested, but when you see it defined it just makes sense, and you can take it and apply it. 

My caution with this kind of book is that it might be almost too practical, even formulaic.  It is not the formula that works, but the relationship with God.  Two people can read the Bible, and one can grow to hate God more, while the other can find him there waiting for them.  Many of the issues involved here are ones that must be done with the open heart of the believer.

I really love this book, and I intend to go back and look at it with more detail, but whet your appetite, here are some of the things that “Unstuck” suggests:

The book has these inserted paragraphs labelled “commitment” which is something that you are the reader should commit to do.  One of the first ones in the book is about how we need to stop passively reading the Bible and engage with it.  Having a Bible or knowing about the Bible is one thing, but having a relationship of faith and trust with the God of the Bible is quite another thing.

It has these “encouraging nudges” that are a portion of Scripture that you can practically apply to your life.  It also has some recent research that it shares throughout the book to reinforce whatever point is being presented with something from current culture.

Lastly, the book is set up like a devotional.  Issues of faith are rarely solved quickly, so this takes some time to go through and address many potential issues.

Definitely get this book!

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.  Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

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