Synopsis from Book:
The American way of life pushes people to constantly strive for more--more money, more stuff, more clout. But how much is enough? And how do we know when we have too much of a good thing? In this provocative, paradigm-shifting book, Will Davis Jr. challenges readers to discover the peace that comes through contentment with what we have and compassion for those in need. Through surprising statistics, scriptural insight, and real-life stories, Davis gently leads readers to consider living with less in order to do more for the kingdom. Thought-provoking discussion questions and short chapters make this a perfect study for small groups.No one will come away from this powerful book unchanged.
My Review:
I have read a few of these kinds of books lately, and really even in Canada we are also impacted by this attitude of getting more and more. This book really emphasizes how we really do have enough. It compares the lives of people in western culture to those in very poor cultures. It draws out the examples of people that are generous even when they truly have nothing. The book was challenging, and made me sit and evaluate my own life. It helped me try to make some adjustments to the priorities in my life. Where do I spend my money? What do I truly need? How can I honour God in my spending?
Book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications and Revell Books in exchange for an honest review.